Share Your IAP2 Story

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Consultation has concluded

Picture of a circle of hands on top of one another

This space has been created to honour your individual experience of IAP2 and to begin to develop a shared understanding of what has brought us here so that we can use the time together in Denver to constructively imagine our future.

This space has been created to honour your individual experience of IAP2 and to begin to develop a shared understanding of what has brought us here so that we can use the time together in Denver to constructively imagine our future.

Tell your story

We encourage you to use this space to share your IAP2 history - be it positive or negative.

We appreciate your time and willingness to participate in this process. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share My Lived Experience on Facebook Share My Lived Experience on Twitter Share My Lived Experience on Linkedin Email My Lived Experience link

    My Lived Experience

    by BarbaraChappell, almost 7 years ago

    This is my lived experience as a member of IAP2 written during the travel time to Denver. I was going to sanitize it a bit, but then I read Leah Jaramillo’s story and I am grateful for your honesty and telling it like it was for you. And as you write, I hope the many stories can be heard and acknowledged and with the understanding that can be gained through the shared stories, we can take the useful stuff with us as we shape our future. 

    I started work in local government in South Australia (SA) ... Continue reading

  • Share A roller coaster journey and I've enjoyed the ride on Facebook Share A roller coaster journey and I've enjoyed the ride on Twitter Share A roller coaster journey and I've enjoyed the ride on Linkedin Email A roller coaster journey and I've enjoyed the ride link

    A roller coaster journey and I've enjoyed the ride

    by Vivien Twyford, almost 7 years ago

    I wrote this story last week, but then managed to lose it before sending, so I'm trying again. 

    I have a 20 year history with IAP2. Not as long as some, but a lot longer than many. My first connection was the Toronto conference in 1997 that I attended as part of a very small Australasian group. I think there were 3 of us there and my strongest memory is my delight in finding myself for 3 days in the company of 300 or more like minded people, where I didn't have to explain what I did! I learned a... Continue reading

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    My perspective

    by leahjaramillo, almost 7 years ago

    As a young P2 practitioner, I was so pleased to take the IAP2 Foundations training and learn about best practices in the field. This amazing experience encouraged me to become a member, get engaged in the Intermountain Chapter and begin taking additional trainings. I felt like I had found "my people."

    Several years later I attended the IAP2 conference in San Diego. I was excited to attend my first professional (non-academic) conference, to learn and grow and network with my peers and mentors. There I learned about the planned change to the Federation model. It was very disappointing and alienating... Continue reading